I want to see the guy win, despite what may seem like harsh and consistent criticism, but at some point you have to look at what he's done and judge him based on that.
You can't keep touting what he WILL do and look at whats in front of you.
Its just not that good at this point.
The Jay-Z cosign didn't do much. His production doesn't carry him. His themes get washed out. He doesn't give his lyricism much support. His recent EP was just super average. Dude just doesn't have "it"...but his fans keep giving him this pass of future greatness.
At what point will dude deliver? He's easily replaceable at this point by any of his peers on blog sites looking for hits with their average product.
He's playing it safe again with this Miguel single. I like the song actually since its the best hes put out since maybe Friday Night Lights with Too Deep for the Intro. But again, its just kinda...ok. Now what?
If hes going to do big things, ya'll gotta let him show us first.
I understand the draw to his image. He seems like hes a student of the 90s era people like to tout as the model for hip-hop, but hes not doing it ANY justice.
You can't keep touting what he WILL do and look at whats in front of you.
Its just not that good at this point.
The Jay-Z cosign didn't do much. His production doesn't carry him. His themes get washed out. He doesn't give his lyricism much support. His recent EP was just super average. Dude just doesn't have "it"...but his fans keep giving him this pass of future greatness.
At what point will dude deliver? He's easily replaceable at this point by any of his peers on blog sites looking for hits with their average product.
He's playing it safe again with this Miguel single. I like the song actually since its the best hes put out since maybe Friday Night Lights with Too Deep for the Intro. But again, its just kinda...ok. Now what?
If hes going to do big things, ya'll gotta let him show us first.
I understand the draw to his image. He seems like hes a student of the 90s era people like to tout as the model for hip-hop, but hes not doing it ANY justice.